Invisible | Teen Ink


December 28, 2010
By CaelaBaela PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
CaelaBaela PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved." -Victor Hugo

Do you see me?
I blend in with the walls a lot
Or at least that's what it seems
I hope to you I do not

Every song I hear reminds me of you
But to you it reminds you of something, or someone, else
I guess I'm used to it, this is nothing new
My tear ducts swell

Someday, maybe I'll shine
Not just for me, but you, forever
But for now it's a dream full of brine
Of course someday could quickly become never

Maybe one day you'll see what I do
Maybe one day you'll truly be able
I might just steal your heart from you
But for now I remain invisible

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