My wish for YOU | Teen Ink

My wish for YOU

August 3, 2010
By you_are_awesome GOLD, London, Other
you_are_awesome GOLD, London, Other
10 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
if you're a bird, i'm a bird :)

I wish you light in your darkest moments

realisation in your brightest of dreams

hopes between the lines of the fears you create

and someone to stitch you back up at the seams

i wish you understand that life is but moments

and if you live each second as if its the last

if you say what you must, if do what you want

don’t let an opportunity ever go past

I wish that you smile at all strangers

greet your enemies like old friends

and not worry about the little things

stupid things, on which nothing depends

My final wish is for you all,

your parents, siblings, husband, wife

and even if you don’t understand,

I wish that you may live all the days of your life

The author's comments:
for you :)


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