2 minutes left...2 points ahead | Teen Ink

2 minutes left...2 points ahead

October 26, 2007
By Anonymous

2 minutes left...2 points ahead
But they’re closing..
Their stands stomp and chant, cries of war
And they’re closing
Chunks of ground taken, confidence fading
And they’re closing
Huddle breaks, panic sets in, body tenses
And they’re closing..
No time to think, no conclusion to be made
Hold the line! I scream, Don’t Give in!
They come to the line, Eyes lit up
Our eyes dull and fade
And they’re closing
My hand snaps to the ground
My body tenses
My mind clears
An explosion occurs
My body reacting without its mind
I see him, I see the ball
I’m closing…
A figure comes to help him, no use
I’m closing…
Frantic, he turns to run, nowhere to go
I’m closing…
My hands wrap around his shoulders
I’ve closed, it is done
No more chants or cries of war
Except for one war cry of victory, one sole voice is heard

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