Drawing | Teen Ink

Drawing MAG

By Anonymous

   Now listen to me.

Stop dreaming of tennis.

Look at me.

Let your hands go loose.

Empty your mind, make it clear.

Grip your pencil.

Let your hand wander the paper.

Create your own image of the tree.

Move the pencil left to right, soft to dark.

Glide it along the paper.

Sharpen your pencil to the finest point.

Ignore everything else; the wind, and the TV in the distance.

Produce the structure that you imagine.

Shade in the shadow from the tree.

Just concentrate on the colors and you'll be home free.

Glance at your paper from left to right.

Fix something in the left corner and in the right corner.

Let your eyes fine trace it, until it is to perfection.

Never to satisfaction the tree lays still.

Shades of browns, greens and blues burst from the page.

Smile at your creation, of the tree that stands alone.

Take the picture, hang it on the wall.

Flip yourself upside-down to observe every angle.

Toss yourself back to normal.

Sigh to yourself for you're finally happy.

Leave the tree hanging.

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This article has 1 comment.

L1lk@sper said...
on Jan. 19 2011 at 10:27 am
nice poem its touching