I Love A Delinquent | Teen Ink

I Love A Delinquent

September 3, 2009
By abmusiclover DIAMOND, Hyde Park, Vermont
abmusiclover DIAMOND, Hyde Park, Vermont
94 articles 3 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell us how it ends because were the ones who wrote the end."
-The Academy Is..

It's such a struggle
to be with you!
All the things you've put me through
Now here, locked behind bars
what have you done to yourself?
Good lord, i love you
but what's holding you back?
Is it your pride or reputation?
I know you don't like it here,
so why do you keep coming back?
Darling, dear, you can't play this game forever.
You need to get serious.
Your almost seventeen!
Please get a hold on yourself,
or honey this just can't be
because you need to love yourself,
before you can learn to love me.


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