Seasons poem | Teen Ink

Seasons poem

July 10, 2024
By Myapapaya1 BRONZE, Greenacres, Washington
Myapapaya1 BRONZE, Greenacres, Washington
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." - Joseph Chilton Pearce.

The first season is cold and white 

It’s the time when most take flight 

For holidays, family, and vacations galore 

Some and others are called a bore

For staying behind in the ice and snow

But those who stay behind all know

Of the fun, it can be if you cuddle on in 

Drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream on your chin

With pajamas on and a blanket wrapped tight

You tuck yourself in for a long winter’s night


The second season is when it begins to warm.

The winter’s snow thaws and, small plants begin to reform

When baby animals are born and take their first look

It is as if they are writing their own book

A cool breeze carries petals off the blossom trees

And flowers blossom to make pollen for the bees

The plants reach up and out toward the sun 

There isn’t anything like it, not one.

And then it ends, the season of growth

But spring will come again it swore in its oath.




And third, is the hot but great summer

Some people say that they can be ‘funner’

When playing at the beach and down by the waves 

I’m sure they would stay outside for days

And when given the chance

They laugh, sing, and dance

All through the night and into the day

The children sing out “Yay no school today”

They eat cool treats after every meal

And after a dream, they’d think it was real


And then down to fall

My most favorite of all

When you drink apple cider in your warm, cozy, mittens

And snuggle up close to your two tiny kittens

When you run through crunchy leaves

And your grandmother weaves

Red and orange are everywhere

The beauty is beyond compare

This is the time for nice cool walks 

And it’s the time for fun long talks


These are the seasons, each and every one

They all are special times when we won 

We make each time special as the days go on 

So when we all wake happily before the dawn,

We all are reminded of all the great seasons

So when you feel down remember the reasons

That we all are here on this beautiful earth

To do His great purpose even from birth.

The author's comments:

I am from the BYU authors camp. I am 15 years old and I hope to one day be a successful author. I made this poem about seasons and it just really speaks to me. I hope you love it as much as I do. 

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