Pain And Joy | Teen Ink

Pain And Joy

June 7, 2024
By vedanth_aggarwal SILVER, Dubai, Other
vedanth_aggarwal SILVER, Dubai, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Don't wait for opportunities, create them!'

Pain and joy, two polar opposites

that seamlessly join to bind our life.

Pain and joy, the leaders we nominate

to guide us through stress and strife.


Is pain,

The prick of a pin like the sting of a bee,

Or the sorrow within when we can't agree ?


Is joy,

The feeling of success when we achieve our goals

Or when our parents say 'Yes' , To midnight strolls?


The shipwreck of joy,

Can cause waves of pain.

After all , emotions are a toy,

And our mind is their domain.


They can cause life to shatter,

And make time one to savor.

Like bread without butter,

Like life without color.

The two can never be apart,

Nor ever be one.

But when both their ways part,

Life’s adventures truly haven’t begun.

The author's comments:

One of my simpler poems, I just wrote this to highlight the importance of these emotions and how though they are opposite our life need both equally.

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