Tell me. | Teen Ink

Tell me.

May 31, 2024
By A_very_silly_creator BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
A_very_silly_creator BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tell me.
What are you supposed to do,
When you're locked in a classroom,
A place where fun and learning is supposed to happen
And teachers are in the classroom for only one or two sole purposes.
To make sure you learn the subject

And to make sure you're not being subjected to a victim of bullying.

A life lesson we all learn as kids at a young age when bullying occurs, Is too tell a trusted adult or your parent.
But tell me.
What are you supposed do when an object
Once used to write out names on your tests,
Is turned too that you would find on a prickly dry cactus,

Now being used to torment you while you try to focus in class.
Only because the kid thought listening to the book in class was not enough.

And tell me.
When the simple saying that you´ve heard one, two many times plays in your head and you know the protocol
Raising your hand up high, as an a desperate attempt to stop the stabbing in your back.
The teacher´s voice coming to an abrupt stop in the book and asking you what's wrong.
And you hope by telling her the truth, that the lead that pokes through the shirt and into the skin will stop.

But instead, you are called out to be a tattletale.
Your pleads of the small needle-like pain to stop, turns into a punishment made only for you instead of an encouraging lesson to keep speaking up.
As you are told that by speaking out for something she never once even saw
Makes YOU the tattle tale.
And before the thought can cross your mind,
You´re threatened that if you don´t stay silent about this, what she claims that day,
An imagination.
That´ll she send you to the office,
Move the clothing pin down that normally hangs in the green down to the red.
Than tell your mother, a figure that you always look want to look good too.
How horrible you were.
Making sure that your mouth never speaks on such matters ever again.

So tell me than,
How do you tell an adult who´s meant to be trusted your problem?
When the adult turns out to be the one who´s untrustworthy

The author's comments:

This is my experience of something happening to me that was unfair that a teacher did to me

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