The End...? | Teen Ink

The End...?

May 24, 2024
By thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't believe in pain. I don't believe things should be difficult. I don't believe perseverance conquers all." - Shigesato Itoi

Reunite. Living sibling. See his weak frame. Brainwashed body.

“Please stop this. I’m your brother, your family,” To no avail.

Lightning strikes. His proud stance falters. Brother drops dead. A silent scream.

The author's comments:

You've heard of fanfiction, now get ready for fan-POETRY!! It's a sijo about my favorite game: MOTHER 3!

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