The Final Needle | Teen Ink

The Final Needle

December 18, 2023
By thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't believe in pain. I don't believe things should be difficult. I don't believe perseverance conquers all." - Shigesato Itoi

Each of us is fighting to win
Mom says to us that she loves us
The hair on my neck stands straight up
I'm scared, so scared, and you are too

Would you have left, if I was strong?
Or you listened to our mother?
If you didn’t turn back and watch it
Pierce its giant fang through her heart?

Would you have still left our village?
Maybe something else had happened
In another time where we were
Different people… I love you

Lightning flashes before my eyes
I know why you have to do this
But still, I don't want you to go
It strikes you harshly, and you fall

You still mean the world to me, Claus
There's still so much for you to see
We're family, and we will
Always remember each other

Lucas felt heartbroken. Claus stopped breathing.

The author's comments:

This piece of poetry is based off of the ending scene to a Nintendo game called Mother 3.

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