Dark and Cold | Teen Ink

Dark and Cold

December 14, 2023
By cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
cnallen9687 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The walls feel dark that surround me.

Nobody near to hear my cries calling for help;

What happened to me? The bright blue color I am 

feels faded. No longer bright, bouncy, and bold;

now in fright, shaky, and cold.

I linger around the small space. I contemplate where 

I should go and what I should do next. 

Can I fly out? Can I run out? Can I ever get out? 

The walls feel like they're getting closer, 

caving in on me.  

I can’t do anything. So I sit in the corner, scared to move.

I am shaking like a plane when it first takes off. 

Sad with tears that drip down my face uncontrollably.

Cold like the ice baths I used to enjoy. 

I am all alone, in a box that is black 

as if there was no light from the moon 

and no warmth from the sun. 

I just want to fly in the bright blue skies and 

the green grasses below me. But I can’t anymore

all because someone took me from my home.

That was my home, not this box. 


The author's comments:

This is an ekphrastic poem written about Aleta Ross-Steward’s “Disintegration” (2020)

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