Love Languages | Teen Ink

Love Languages

November 14, 2023
By sarahahsbrown SILVER, Lousiville, Kentucky
sarahahsbrown SILVER, Lousiville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How does one find their love language?

Through friends

First loves

Or parents


I found mine through her


She became my rock

My joy

My safety


I remember the first day I met her

It was a day of stress that was relieved by joy

Pacing the halls

Waiting to see her

The one I’ve been waiting for for a whole 9. Months.

All of a sudden, I hear screams and cries erupt from the room

I knew she was finally here


She became the one I protected

The one who made me leap for joy

The one who I cried for


I said “I love you” a million times a day


I would talk to her about her dreams

Her interests

Her life


But soon enough those conversations grew shorter while she grew older

I then suddenly realized my words

Might not protect her

Might not bring her joy

Might not cry with her


I then allowed them to hide

Hide away from embarrassment

Hide away from her


I knew she realized it

By the sad smile sprawled across her face


Knowing these were the last words I would speak to her

I said “I’m sorry I broke your bubble kiddo”


I leave

Dragging the words, I hid behind me

I never look back

I never spoke to her again

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