The Fancy Old Mirror | Teen Ink

The Fancy Old Mirror

November 7, 2023
By puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking through the creaking doors of the house that I've stepped foot inside and out for many years. The countless amount of horrendous nightmares and delightful dreams created in the cracking walls give me hope that one day everything will all be remembered. The stained carpet covering most of the house brings back all the memories of the spilled paint water and melted chocolate candy from halloween

Walking through the dark hallways of the old childhood house, something catches me off guard. A sickening feeling running down my throat to my stomach as I realized I’ve never stepped foot into this house before, but the nostalgic feeling hits me like a mother looking through her children's old baby clothes.

Walking through the kitchen of the recognizable house, there's a fancy old mirror at the end of the room. A mirror that I've sworn I've looked into millions of times before has a new feeling towards it. As I look at myself in the mirror, I'm scared of what I see in the reflection. I shut my eyes as tight as I could, and as I opened them I went back to the front door. This time it's different as I open the door and my mother is in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon. An odd feeling running through my spine as I sit down at the kitchen table makes me sick to my stomach. Running to the bathroom just outside the kitchen, I see that fancy old mirror that I once looked into, and it gave me the calming feeling of the house that I've never been in before.

The author's comments:

This piece is written about my old house, or lack there off. For my whole life I've lived in the same house, all the childhood carpet stains and the writing on the walls have always been there since I was young. My parents haven't painted over the drawings or replaced the rugs, which gives me such a nostalgic feeling about my house. But due to only living in one house my whole life, I've never got to experience walking into a brand new house that memories have not been made in yet. The house that the character started out in might seem like the old childhood house, but it's actually the house that hasn't made any memories yet. The carpets aren't yet stained and the creaking doors are quiet. The character is thinking about a brand new house in the eyes of her living in that house since a young age. The mirror ties it all together by because the portal between houses 

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