Love | Teen Ink


October 25, 2023
By LukeRMacNaughton SILVER, Honolulu, Hawaii
LukeRMacNaughton SILVER, Honolulu, Hawaii
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

An intense energy that, at the same time, is soothing, zen, bombastic, and fantastic, the patience that changes my existence, making me issue exciting wondrous joy-fused yapping kisses without vivid quotients. 

Absence unleashes and intensifies sadness quite thick and burdening, purging past ecstasies in the heart and brain, driving aching desires, yearning needs that churn and churn with a zeal jammed full with excitement.

Like a breathtaking blossoming bouquet, her return exudes purging aromas eroding prior battles with loss and pain, replacing them with still more, future-facing phantasies no longer jumbled by haze.

But all blooms wilt and vanish in quixotic sanding down of youth, pushing a constant buzzing vacuity, hollowing out kissing’s footprints without joy.

The author's comments:

A belle absente poem.

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