Heartbreak | Teen Ink


June 22, 2009
By XoCheeseOnRiah94 SILVER, Jessup, Pennsylvania
XoCheeseOnRiah94 SILVER, Jessup, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

It’s the same little never happy story
It’s always filled with heartbreak
In the end everyone ends up alone
No matter how hard you try you can’t ever stop
Because life is full of heartbreaks

She likes him, but he doesn’t like her
She needs him, but he doesn’t care
It will never be

He whispers in her ear as she looks on
Can’t he tell she really is the one?
She wants him but he’ll never know

In the end you need to learn
How to overcome your fear
Cause in the end even if you’re alone
It won’t be for long

It’s the same little never happy ending
Nothing is the way it should be
But hold on tight it’s a roller coaster ride
And one day you’ll realize
You learn from heartbreak


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