Where I am from? | Teen Ink

Where I am from?

August 26, 2023
By MOTIVAIDAN BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
MOTIVAIDAN BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Courage over Comfort"

I am from…

I am from the six,

the place of dreamers and believers.

The place of opportunity and faith.

From early years eating M&M’s on the couch and waiting for the newest Lego set to come out 


I am from the roots of the oaks, North from the big tree.

Where branches swayed against my window, chairs scratching against the floor, and the piano playing harmoniously in the background.


I am from the cactus-like plant who shall be named, who’s healing properties are self-proclaimed. 

This plant has been there in my time of need, when I’ve fallen Aloe-vera has been there for me.


I am from the tender warmth of our Christmas dinner feasts, where we watch re-runs of the grinch finally getting somewhat of a heartbeat

Thanksgiving dinner is my favourite time of the year, it’s where my entire family comes together to say thanks for one another.

From Amaya papaya, to Siya and Grandma. From mom and dad, to my family across the world. 


I am from the depths of love and appreciation.

From my dad tucking me into my bed sheets and my mom singing me lullabies while I fall asleep. 

I am from the smell of chicken-noodle soup and turmeric tea

These two people have made me into the person I truly want to be 


I am from the people above, the people that care for me and send me love. 

The people that give me faith that tomorrow will shine light to a brighter day. 

Where love, prosperity, and change will come everyone’s way.


I am from the in-between of two nations. One ruled by settlers and one ruled by immigrants.

From a young age I have questioned my significance. Am I white or brown, pail or dark, Sri Lankan or Caucasian.

Now I know I’m not either one, I am blend of both  

Like kiribath I am infused with a lot of flavours, thus signifies my overall character.


I am from the family get-togethers where my sister and I would dance the night away.  While my Siya and grandma would be singing songs from their early days. The love I feel in these moments can’t be explained, at the end of the night I am totally drained.

From the amazing memories we make, to our time at Cultus Lake. I am an innovator, dreamer, and leader, 

I live by the saying I can do anything 

Family isn’t important, it’s everything

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem during a time when I was truly trying to discover who I was. Like most teenagers, I was lost, submerged in a world where I believed being myself was my greatest weakness. However, this poem gave me a sense of realization that the sentiment I previously held was flawed. From my beliefs to my mixed heritage, everything I wrote in this piece was to shed light on the aspects of myself which I used to run away from. Hopefully, this piece resonates with you as I believe everyone at some point in their life asks the question, "Where am I from?"

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