Rotten Fruit | Teen Ink

Rotten Fruit

June 21, 2023
By lavanyamani BRONZE, Clayton, Missouri
lavanyamani BRONZE, Clayton, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Icy tendrils wrap vicelike round my heart

The dread of one becoming obsolete

This terror seeks to wrench my soul apart. 


As one whose fate was inscribed from the start

As rotting fruit turns brown and over-sweet

Icy tendrils wrap vicelike round my heart.


And as the shame of second place so smarts

It blooms and fruits, cloying and indiscreet

This terror seeks to wrench my soul apart. 


The chasm of mediocrity imparts

The rotting melancholy of defeat

Icy tendrils wrap vicelike round my heart.


If wanting desperately were called an art

I’d be immortal, pure, without deceit

This terror seeks to wrench my soul apart.


I’ll rot like fruit not taken from the cart

My happy resolution incomplete

Icy tendrils wrap vicelike round my heart

This terror seeks to wrench my soul apart. 

The author's comments:

My name is Lavanya Mani and I'm a rising junior. I adore poetry and I find some of the more intricate poetic forms really interesting, which is why I wrote this villanelle. A lot of anxieties can feel like they're stuck on a loop, which is why I think a poetic form that uses repetition is really great for talking about that kind of thing.

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