Lost in the Woods | Teen Ink

Lost in the Woods

June 8, 2023
By CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
CEA1229 SILVER, Apx, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Girl That Bob!!!" -SL

As I walk around the meandering creek

The faster my heart starts to beat

The grass tickles my ankle 

When lost in the woods I am scared to gamble

The dew on the leaves isn’t as sweet 

As I look around I am struck with defeat

The day is going along with my only handle

Wondering with the logs almost like a castle

The sun is replaced along with my only heat

I try to navigate but I only feel beat

I feel like a bug in a vast jungle

Just I little wick in the great big candle

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