Nothing's Real 'Til it's Gone | Teen Ink

Nothing's Real 'Til it's Gone

June 16, 2009
By tori14 BRONZE, Oneida, Illinois
tori14 BRONZE, Oneida, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Walking the sidewalk
wind blowing through my hair
music blaring in my ears
one hand holding my iPod
the other on my upset stomach
you walk toward me not knowing what’s about to happen
there’s a crash
and a mother and her child scream
there’s sirens
I cry, i felt it about to happen
the news says 4 are found dead in a head on collision
I cry some more you pull me close
You whisper in my ear "its not hate its love"
You begin to walk away
your phone rings... its the hospital
They say "you need to come down here we think we may have you brother"
you stare not believing what you just heard
i walk up behind you and turn you around
I pull you closer than ever
i listen to your heart race unbelievably fast
You try not to cry but its like a waterfall you cant stop it
i drive you to the hospital
you try to break the silence by saying "you know no one besides me has drove my truck"
I try to laugh but i cant bring myself to do it
I try to hold my emotions
but they're unstoppable
I just want to wake up from this horrible dream
but all you can say is "nothings real 'til its gone"
I pull the truck to a stop
I hold my breath while I watch you get out
you suddenly stop and turn around
you look at me
you speak that you don’t want to go alone
I step out and grab your hand
I worry about what you do next
you squeeze my hand tight and whisper "don’t be afraid"
I cry harder, we stop before the doors
there we are standing looking in, side by side hand in hand
we make it through the worst part... the funeral

Now its been a year
We're standing side be side hand in hand
Staring at his grave
As you lay flowers upon his grave I set this poem next to his favorite CD

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