Love is the Same in Every Language | Teen Ink

Love is the Same in Every Language

June 13, 2009
By NaTivE_BeAutiE GOLD, Ann Arbor, Michigan
NaTivE_BeAutiE GOLD, Ann Arbor, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
~a woman looked at me and said, "You know, you really don't look Indian."So I smiled at her and responded: "Well you don't look stupid, but appearances can be awfully deceiving."~

One kiss is shared
you place your seductive lips to mine,
and two beings ignite with a spark of heat
like a volcano of lava that quenches our thirsty souls
you smile with your corazon
wrap around me with a cocoon of your caricia
to you it doesn’t matter that I talk Spanish funny
we love in three languages
Three languages
two people
one kiss
one love


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