Love Struck Corresponce | Teen Ink

Love Struck Corresponce

June 11, 2009
By lullu GOLD, St. Paul, Minnesota
lullu GOLD, St. Paul, Minnesota
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I&mdash; <br /> I took the one less traveled by, <br /> And that has made all the difference -Robert Frost<br /> &quot;Be the change you wish to see in this world&quot;-Gandhi<br /> &quot;Love the art in yourself rather than yourself in the art&quot;Constantin Stanislavsky.

As beauty speaks in thine ears,
As twinkle in thine eye.
If not, could he be so dear,
As to send his love
As I send him mine.
Thou if correspondence reveals, prevails
And recoils into dim light,
I’ll strain to shine tens times harder,
To sustain that spark of light.
If hint nor gleam glows,
I’ll slick on a glove and try my magic pull.
Though as I reach into thine hat,
And I feel a tug, if not the paw of a bunny though of a hand as firm
As mine, I’ll shine my smile so wide
That hopefully he’ll recognize and shine back onto mine.
Two hath corresponded.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the classic of Midsummer's Night Dream and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakspeare.

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