where's my rescue team | Teen Ink

where's my rescue team

June 10, 2009
By hopekristinex SILVER, Canton, Ohio
hopekristinex SILVER, Canton, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

if you want me to lay here and pretend,
run through my head and comprehend.
all those things i thought you knew.
find these clues, i'll throw them in the deep for you.
at first i wanted you to understand,
but i guess you organized my better plan.
drawing on the earths gold sand,
a handprint washed up to my lost hand.
never enough but always too much.
where were you when the stars fell through,
when i was honestly waiting for you.

The author's comments:
I believe that people in many different situations could relate to this because it doesn't necessarily have to do with a significant other. It could be about family and friends. Anyone that hasn't been there for you.

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