The House In Foreign Land | Teen Ink

The House In Foreign Land

December 20, 2022
By James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The house sits in a place that looks abandoned.

The walls and window look rusty and torn.

There are items scattered around the house. 

The items are scattered and old and used.

I wonder which person owned this house before.

I guess the previous owner moved out and left this house. 

I wonder if I should find a new job or find a brilliant house.

I really want to move into this house and fix this house.

The house has many different items used in life.

I see the rope, wood planks, barrels, lamps, and crab traps.

I guess those things would be helpful if helpful live in a house.

The windows looked very good back then but now are broken.

The house looks like it is broken and there are pieces that are gone.

It looks like someone is hoarding these items.

I wonder what the house looks like on the inside.

It would probably look like it on the outside of the house.

It looks like the flowers are still chilling and blooming.

Why is there a giant wooden plank sitting outside of the house?

I feel very scared that it will be haunted or abandoned in a decade.

I wonder what the purpose of this house is supposed to be.


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