A Revenging Quiet | Teen Ink

A Revenging Quiet

November 18, 2022
By Harleen123 PLATINUM, Chandigarh, Other
Harleen123 PLATINUM, Chandigarh, Other
28 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Assumptions are the death of truth...

A hush has fallen! 

A deadly quiet. 

A chilling undertone 

Of threat underlined. 


Fiery tempers, ignite the sparks.. 

Brushing wounds, lighting fumes! 

Setting ablaze, dried up hearts, 

Hurling profanities as a means to calm. 


Tongue is the sword. 

Wrath, the armour 

Anger, the adrenaline

And memories, weapons divine! 


A hush has fallen! 

An egregious quiet. 


Blood boiling, mind smoldering. 

Old wounds scratched, fresh ones sliced. 

Hearts mutilated, deep hurt spiked. 

From the ones we expected elation paradise... 


A hush has fallen! 

An agonizing quiet. 


Smiles laced with dynamite, 

Exploding, crumbling and destructing. 

Red rimmed eyes, puffy and pained.

Dried up tears, crisp and tumbling. 


A hush has fallen! 

Such a perilous quiet... 


Hearts shattering, 

Memories bleeding, 

Minds screaming, 

Screeching and howling. 


Whatever begins in anger, 

Always ends in shame. 

Horrendous destruction

Wrecked in its name. 


Check your wits, 

Ignore the toxic. 

We sidestep the puddles, 

Don't jump into them. 


A hush has fallen! 

An enigmous quiet. 


Shed your anger, 

Not shred hearts. 

It's a little vulnerable thing, 

But never underestimate it's vice ... 


A hush has fallen! 

A revenging quiet. 

A chilling undertone, 

Of threat underlined.

The author's comments:

Anger is an evil. Don't let it crumble your lives. 

This poem portrays the havoc wretched by our irrational wrath and its role in destroying our relationships. 


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