Dragon of darkness | Teen Ink

Dragon of darkness

December 3, 2021
By burkv0410 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
burkv0410 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The night time sky is like a fire that will comfort you,  it's like a blanket that will keep you warm within the cold nights, filled with nothing but stars that align. 

Throughout the night time skies light up with the north star. 

The moon wanders near the earth within the skies that are filled up with the stars.

The dragon is soaring, gliding, and flying within the skies of the night. 

The night time sky is like a field of flowers filled with bees sipping nectar.  The sound of dragons roaring into the moonlight as the stars begin to shine. 

The fresh cold breeze that tickles your nose as you watch the moon shine in delight. 

        The night time skies are filled up with the shining stars, the moon glowing  bright, and the dragons are flying within your sight.  Within the valley, the trees of the dragon fruit nectar will surely give you a delight. 

The light of the moon gives off a bright light that is reminded of our home where it is safe, and the flashlights used for finding our way into the darkness. 

The voices of many things that are found within you. Only the darkness can tell you what secrets it is hiding within. 

               The cover of darkness can fill you with things that you will believe in

The author's comments:

i am a freshmen is highschool and i live in wisconsin. i have siblings. three older, and a younger sibling


my piece is about a world where dragons that are as dark as the night sky, roams around and mainly hide in sight. my poem is describing how they would act around people and other types of creatures. 

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