Let's bring black into our palette: A Bop Poem | Teen Ink

Let's bring black into our palette: A Bop Poem

August 10, 2021
By Adrika_15 GOLD, Midnapur West, Other
Adrika_15 GOLD, Midnapur West, Other
11 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Butterflies are strange creatures.
They make you see how wonderful spring is with colorful flowers, but never let you see the thorns that can hurt their wings.

Sun went down long before our rise,
The roosters were silenced,
for it can't be our beginning.
Now, dusk would never meet the dawn.
They say love is everyone's first instinct,
Is it why our children never kissed the sun?

Maybe the caterpillar hasn't been in the snail's shell.

Our prayers were a mirage in their eyes,
And our cries will be their evening prayers.
We never ignited fragrance from our incense sticks,
It always spilled our crimson blood.
Glass shard reflected our blood-smeared face,
After all these times, will the sun finally rise?
Now it can't sink low, as our skin burns with its heat.
Finally, the black sky can now rest on the moon's feet.

Maybe the caterpillar hasn't been in the snail's shell.

We let the moon hang on our black sky,
Then, why can't the white clouds let us rise?
Now is the time when we carve on their back.
Every shooting star will be our wish,
leaving a scar upon them.
And then, dusk will meet her long-lost love, dawn.

Maybe the caterpillar hasn't been in the snail's shell.

The author's comments:

This is bop poem on racism. A bop poem is a three stanza poetry and each stanza is followed by a refrain. My refrain is inspired from a short movie about racism. During a party, the caterpillar and snail decided to cross through the small gap of a door. For caterpillar it was an easy job but due the shell of the snail, it got stuck and the caterpillar made fun of it as it has never been in snail's shell to understand its pain. 

But I believe, even with the shell, the snail can rise high.

I hope you loved reading this.

Thank you<3

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