Teenagers | Teen Ink


May 27, 2021
By Simarleen24 BRONZE, Aurangabad, Other
Simarleen24 BRONZE, Aurangabad, Other
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Ask no questions and you’ll be told no lies.

They want their 'Me Time',

Saying "Just get outta here okay?"

"I'm a teen, far ahead!

So yeah, you better go away."

They keep themselves shut up in their rooms,

Not wondering what's going on outside,

Their rooms are locked, thank goodness!

So no one sees the mess inside!

Their true love is their phone,

They text their friends all day,

I know their parents are just tired

Of saying, "Put that thing away!"

There are always earphones plugged in,

No wonder, they won't hear whatever you talk,

If you searching for something in their rooms,

I bet you'll find that, smelly sock! 

Whenever you try to cheer 'em up,

All they do is groan,

I wonder how they don't get lonely,

When they're 24/7 locked up in their rooms all alone!

The guys are crazy over video games,

And the girls over their hair,

There's all this seperate stuff for them,

I mean, isn't it just unfair?!

One moment they're laughing,

Another they're into depression right away,

And there! They're jolly suddenly,

And the cycle starts over again!

They're choosy when it comes to looks,

And least-bothered when come lectures,

They're all different, mind you!

The teacher's pets and back-benchers!

"They're so complicated!" I grumble,

"How can they even bare themselves?"

But that's before the great embarrassment of realising,


The author's comments:

This one's about teens, and everything funny we do! Just a light-hearted poem. Hope you all can relate! :)

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