The ache of a mother | Teen Ink

The ache of a mother

May 5, 2021
By FARAZ21842 SILVER, Lahore, Other
FARAZ21842 SILVER, Lahore, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This fading of sun symbolizes eternal darkness in my way

Countless tears and immeasurable pain defines how I spend my lonely days

O God knows how I have seen my heavens go away

the death of my only son infront of my own eyes


Blood flows from my eyes in the form of tears

This heart knows how it has seen the days turn into years

My writings once so bright now only bleeds pain and are without any colour

Today my heart is a poet and I am poetry in the form of an ache of a mother


Desire burns inside me, a desire to hold my son in my arms

To feel the warmth of his body just for once

The body more familiar to me that my own soul

How can I live without the person who made my incomplete life whole


Yes Cursed was the night you answered the call of death

On that day even the moon was afraid to show up

The clouds couldn’t hold their tears, they also cried

Even the two oceans combining in each other stopped their tides


Sadness is in the fact that even after your death my life goes on

How can I accept that my little baby is forever gone

They say your spirit shall eternally reside in a place which is known as Eden

Where you can have wings, unicorns and all sort of freedom


Sometime walking on the empty roads or on others playing the waiting game

Knocking the doors of happiness begging to catch a glimpse of my son’s face

I am a gloomy lost soul filled with dejected pains and no particular aim

A companion of sadness, with no permanent home or a resting place


Come dark night, take me in your arms and let me cry

The deep ocean hidden with in the veil of eyes will flow

Such is the intensity of the pain from all those years ago

That the night herself shall be completely washed away


The night of my sadness shall never see its dawn

Neither shall this dark moon ever shine again

For despite putting me in this place and showing me her bitter taste

death it appears (in my case) doesn’t seems to know any haste


Come O angels, let it be of heavens or hell

Take me away to a dark and a lonely cell

So that the people can’t hear the sound which my tears make

Such pain is hidden with in that it will force the mountains to shake


The rain of my tears shall never find its rainbow

Neither shall the sky of my life ever find a sunny day

For this old body(despite being alive) has already starts to decay

Soon like a wind this breath will blow and yet no one will ever know

The author's comments:

This piece is written from the perspective of a mother who lost her child. My big brother died while an infant and I have seen the ache of my mother. That ache inspired me to write this poem 

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