Breaking Free | Teen Ink

Breaking Free

April 16, 2021
By kathrynxia BRONZE, New Canaan, Connecticut
kathrynxia BRONZE, New Canaan, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s not as if we had a voice,

Shackled, restricted, without a choice.

Nonsense, they’re telling a lie,

Protecting a monster that won’t die.

Enchanted, they are, it’s been so long,

Some uneasiness, but never wrong.


The drive they had, on their mission,

To bewitch others into submission.

Until the alternative would seem obscure,

Their indignation impossible to cure.

Their status, their power so fragile,

Precious to them, we must be agile.

I am confident we will see the dawn,

On the light of equality. Let dusk be gone.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem in class. Each student chose a random word and we had to integrate them into our writing in a specific order. I challenged myself to make a rhyming poem in light of the racist events, and in recognition of racism as a whole. As a person of color that has had a pretty painless life, I write this poem to all who are oppressed. We may never achieve equality in our lifetime, but we can hold onto the fact that what we do today will help future generations come closer and closer.

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