somber | Teen Ink


May 26, 2009
By UniquleyAdorable GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
UniquleyAdorable GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to see the ways in which you yourself have altered.- nelson mandela

Somber as the snowfall
Deep even breathing sounds through the night
Rustle, rustle, rustle
Eyes open to see
Leaves skipping on top of the black pavement
Pavement that looks like a black sea
Silver dots resemble shining stars
Clouds above hang with untold promises
Memories of years past unmask themselves in the cool night’s embrace
Beating more rapidly is a heart
A heart with so much to revisit
Friends, lovers, emotions blend
Whispers of voices carried from the wind
Eyes seep shut
Vivid images dance along
Breathing becomes deeper with sighs of the past
Eyes lift to see nothing but a black sea
Stand up, brush off the knees, stop look out once more
Then be ready for spring

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