A Pane of Glass | Teen Ink

A Pane of Glass

March 10, 2021
By josephcbatterman BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
josephcbatterman BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart filled as little ones opened gifts with an untamed joy. 

Memories of majestic fireworks and wide eyes return 

as I reach to you through the glass, safe, but bound by nursing home.

The author's comments:

When the world seemingly shut down due to Covid-19, the nursing home at which my grandfather was staying closed to visitors. My Papa's spirit had been lifted with each family member or friend who came to visit. Now that he was iscolated in the facility, my family and I made weekly bike trips to visit him. We were not allowed to enter the building, so we talked with Papa through a glass door so that we were able to see him. At the end of each visit, we would extend hands to the glass to "touch" before we left. My Papa passed away last year, so when my Creative Writing teacher introduced Sijo poetry to us, I was immediately taken back to these moments. The poem contrasts the happy memories I had with my grandfather with the last visits to the nursing home.

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