I'm Sorry, My Love | Teen Ink

I'm Sorry, My Love

May 23, 2009
By Juno360 SILVER, Milton, Georgia
Juno360 SILVER, Milton, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My music is gone to a place I cannot follow
Roses weep tears of
Flames to hot to swallow
Don’t forget when memory is all you have
The faults that shape the pain of duty
I’m sorry my love
That I have taken more than I give.

Words that don’t rhyme
Form the keys for the locks of time’s spell
We live in the future of the past in which we dwell
Love burning a path through the forest of the found
We lose ourselves in the lack of the missing answers
To the questions of the bound.
Only the role of the leader
Leads to the death of the detwined.
The vines of life giving death in our mind.

Give yourself over to the faith that is blind
Search for the answers you know you cannot find
Lose yourself in the twist of my spell
For it is here only that your beloved drug dwell.

Ignore the things you thought you knew
All before you the chaos that lives
The death of the lies
the reality of the truth
that whispers its goodbyes
Mocking the pain that it knows it gives.


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