Blind sight | Teen Ink

Blind sight

July 10, 2019
By Anonymous

If you pass your night , and wake up blind

With a heavy heart and an awakened mind

Would the world still be the same or

Will it be a word game


Would the stars still twinkle the same way, 

Now that there is no one to gaze.

Would the peacock still spread it’s priceless plumage,

Now that there is no one to praise.


Would the differences be removed 

And relations be approved or 

Would the problems be intensified and 

Will become more sensitised 


Would the stardust soul now be seen 

Or would it become a movie screen 

Would the ranks be unseen or

In it would an advantage be seen


If you pass you might , and wake up blind,

With a heavy heart and and awakened mind 

These words would be understood and 

Voices would leave the people shook

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Dhairya said...
on Jul. 24 2019 at 11:48 am
Dhairya, Bhopal, Other
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