Looking Into Your Eyes | Teen Ink

Looking Into Your Eyes

May 6, 2009
By XxJohnHxX GOLD, Wheaton, Minnesota
XxJohnHxX GOLD, Wheaton, Minnesota
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Death before dishonor. Friends and family for life.

Looking into your eyes, I see all the love.
Looking into your eyes, I see heaven above.
Looking into your eyes, I see jewels of emerald green.
Looking into your eyes, I see you’re smart and keen.
Looking into your eyes, I see your heart so true.
Looking into your eyes, I know what I can do.
Looking into your eyes, I get lost a lot.
Looking into your eyes, I love with all I’ve got.
Looking into your eyes, I can finally see.
Looking in your eyes, you mean so much to me.
Looking into your eyes, the world disappears.
Looking into your eyes, I can fight back the tears.
I know how much I truly love you,
When I’m looking into your eyes.

Holding you in my arms, I feel the warmth of love.
Holding you in my arms, I feel the light shining down from above.
Holding you in my arms, the world is how I want it to be.
Holding you in my arms, you are all I see.
Holding you in my arms, I can feel your heart beat true.
Holding you I my arms is all I want to do.
Holding you in my arms, Ill never let you fall.
Holding you in my arms, you’ll never hurt at all.
Holding you in my arms, oh baby can’t you see?
When I’m holding you in my arms you mean everything to me!
Holding you in my arms, is how I want to stay,
I want to live forever this way.
When I’m looking into your eyes, and holding you in my arms.

Kissing your lips, I taste your sweet love.
Kissing your lips, I know you’re from heaven above.
Kissing your lips, I can’t help but smile.
Kissing your lips keeps me happy for a long while.
Kissing your lips, I know what we can do.
Kissing your lips, we make love stories true.
Kissing your lips, I nearly faint and fall.
Kissing your lips is like nothing I’ve ever experienced at all.
Kissing your lips, it’s obvious to see.
Kissing your lips is like doing drugs to me.
Kissing your lips, you know I want to stay.
When I’m looking into your eyes, holding you in my arms, and kissing your lips.

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