Personalities | Teen Ink


May 30, 2019
By readercaroline4 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
readercaroline4 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mind can be cobalt.

Blue as the depths of the deep sea,

unknown things dashing through the darkness.

My face can be scarlet.

Furious and stubborn,

screams filling my head with anger.

My smile orange as a dreamsicle melting in the sun,

warming up to the feeling of happiness―

blending from the fiery red to the golden rays of the brilliant sun.

Part of me is yellow as the sun shining on a cloudless day,

Ecstatic and bright with rays of light,

yet there is another part of me…

A rainbow of blended crimson, sapphire, coral, and gold―

emotions criss-crossing every which way.

Every colorful splash of the rainbow spattered somewhere in me.


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