Will Anyone Remember Me? | Teen Ink

Will Anyone Remember Me?

October 30, 2018
By KT GOLD, Grand Chute, Wisconsin
KT GOLD, Grand Chute, Wisconsin
16 articles 17 photos 0 comments

Will anyone remember me?

                            I write down all my notes,

                            I pay attention in class,

                            but no one talks to me.

                            I am too busy studying.

Will anyone remember me?

                            I spend hours typing,

                            I turn in my paperwork on time, and

                            my sole friend is my coffee cup.

                            I am too busy working.

Will anyone remember me?

                            I look at my calendar,

                            I see a holiday coming up

                            and think of vacation, but shake my head.

                            I am too busy earning money.

Will anyone remember me?

                            I hear the birds chirping,

                            I listen to the people outside, but

                            not one blind is open.

                            I am too busy on the Internet.

Will anyone remember me?

                            I lay in the nursing home,

                            I cannot move

                            and I cannot see.

                            I am too busy trying to breathe.

Will anyone remember me?

                             “I am too busy,” I tell the nurse.

                             I am—but


                             ...was I really busy?

Will anyone remember me?


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