What does Ella mean to me | Teen Ink

What does Ella mean to me

October 1, 2018
By teen1234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
teen1234 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In English, my name means “beautiful fairy women” or “light”. That’s how Cinderella got her name and how Ella Enchanted came to be. I think of Cinderella as a hard-working, beautiful, and a cheerful person. She is cheerful because no matter how badly she is treated by her stepmom and stepsisters, she always has had a positive attitude. She is beautiful, not just on the outside but on the inside as well. She is nice to everyone around her. She is also hard working in many ways. I mean she got all the sewing and cleaning done just in time for the ball. I believe whoever that is named Ella, has these traits. I also believe that I am hardworking, kind, and cheerful.

Ella means joyful. Ella is someone who is shy yet can be a fun person to be around. Ella is like the color yellow. A bright color that is pretty and cheers people up. Not a dull color like black. The name, Ella, is like the happy and excited feeling when you wake up on Christmas morning and seeing what is underneath the tree.

Before I was born, my parents had five choices for my name: Grace, Chloe, Zoey, Eva, and Ella. They chose Ella because that was the name of my moms Great Grandma which then makes that my great, great grandma. I don't remember her but I heard she was a beautiful, kind, and a lovable person from what I have heard from stories. My middle name, Jewell, was the name of my dad's great grandma. I never met her but, I heard so many great things about her personality.

Ella is sometimes short for Ellen or Eleanor. But, I am not called either of those names. My name is Ella. El for short. That's what my relatives usually call me. I prefer to be called Ella. Ella would be working hard on homework and working on it early enough so it wouldn't be stressful. El would procrastinate and stress about it later.

Ella is a simple, but beautiful name. The amount of times I get complimented on my name is significant. Ella is not uptight like the feeling you get when you have ten homework assignments, three quizzes, and four tests that you have not yet studied for. Instead, Ella is a fun name like the feeling you get when you are at Disney and ready to ride every single ride.  

Although Ella is an exquisite and a graceful name, it is a very trendy name. I maybe would want a name more unique like Reagan or Sienna. Even though it wouldn't hurt if I changed my name, I feel like Ella fits me. No other name would fit my personality like the name, Ella does. As I grow older each year, I realize that I should embrace my name for what it is and I wouldn't change anything about it.

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