Teen Ink



xiaoyufang1995, Kents Hill, Maine
0 articles 6 photos 0 comments
By clairellu BRONZE
Portola Valley, California
clairellu BRONZE, Portola Valley, California
1 article 11 photos 0 comments
By clairellu BRONZE
Portola Valley, California
clairellu BRONZE, Portola Valley, California
1 article 11 photos 0 comments
By clairellu BRONZE
Portola Valley, California
clairellu BRONZE, Portola Valley, California
1 article 11 photos 0 comments
By clairellu BRONZE
Portola Valley, California
clairellu BRONZE, Portola Valley, California
1 article 11 photos 0 comments
LiteraryLadybug BRONZE, Hyd, Other
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its nice to be important but more important to be nice,

By jane_austen SILVER
New York, New York
jane_austen SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 7 photos 2 comments
By jane_austen SILVER
New York, New York
jane_austen SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 7 photos 2 comments
By Katsapotato BRONZE
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Katsapotato BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's not the words that are important, it's the meaning behind them."

daisyfriedman8 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 1 photo 0 comments
By asheng03
Sugar Land, Texas
asheng03, Sugar Land, Texas
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments
By Quiterhirhi
Muskegon, Michigan
Quiterhirhi, Muskegon, Michigan
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If the people in your corner ain't fighting for you, kick them out."