Teen Ink



Sophie-Lopie567 BRONZE, Newheaven, Connecticut
2 articles 34 photos 0 comments
Sophie-Lopie567 BRONZE, Newheaven, Connecticut
2 articles 34 photos 0 comments
By kiram2024
Anaheim, California
kiram2024, Anaheim, California
0 articles 1 photo 0 comments
By hebejebe_xx
Shanghai, Other
hebejebe_xx, Shanghai, Other
0 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just Do It

By hebejebe_xx
Shanghai, Other
hebejebe_xx, Shanghai, Other
0 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just Do It

By hebejebe_xx
Shanghai, Other
hebejebe_xx, Shanghai, Other
0 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just Do It

By hebejebe_xx
Shanghai, Other
hebejebe_xx, Shanghai, Other
0 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just Do It

By hebejebe_xx
Shanghai, Other
hebejebe_xx, Shanghai, Other
0 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just Do It

By ZeyiZhang GOLD
Shanghai, Other
ZeyiZhang GOLD, Shanghai, Other
12 articles 5 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Per aspera ad astra.

By Anonymous
Asherah1133 GOLD, Ensign, Kansas
13 articles 66 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take your reins like a flower, not like a stone. Take your horse by your waist and your seat, not by your hand and never by force. If you do force, it is not the art of riding, it is something else. ~ Nuno Oliveira

Asherah1133 GOLD, Ensign, Kansas
13 articles 66 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take your reins like a flower, not like a stone. Take your horse by your waist and your seat, not by your hand and never by force. If you do force, it is not the art of riding, it is something else. ~ Nuno Oliveira