Why College basketball players should get paid | Teen Ink

Why College basketball players should get paid

May 23, 2014
By TaShawn BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
TaShawn BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

College basketball players practice forty-three hours a week. More the half of the NCAA say that they should get paid. Even though college basketball players might be too young and immature to handle money and they only need to practice twenty hours a week (NCAA). College basketball players should get paid because it’s like a job and also for preforming and the need of money.

One important reason college basketball players should get paid is because it’s like a job. It takes up all their time. For example they practice forty-three hours a week (NCAA). That alone takes up college basketball players life not forgetting school, and games that they have. They have no time to see their friends and family. That’s one reason college basketball players should get paid.

College basketball players should get paid for preforming and the need of money because all of the money that the fans pay could go to the players instead of the coaches, I mean the coaches really don’t do as much as the players, because college basketball players practice forty-three hours a week(NCAA). Sometimes after games the players are be hungry, but they can’t get any food because they don’t have any money. That’s another reason college basketball players should get paid.

Some people may rethink college basketball players getting paid maybe because they are too young, not mature , their education is already paid for, their they are only supposed to practice twenty hours a week, but they practice forty-three Hours a week(NCAA) , and some people might disagree with that. That may be one reason people don’t think college basketball players should get paid.
NCAA. "Countable Hours." 4 November 2010. University of Notre Dame Athletics. 22 May 2014.
Overall college basketball players should get paid because they work forty-three hours a week which is a lot of work. The reason why I think this is because the average college basketball player practices twenty hours a week (NCAA). So overall that’s why I think college basketball players should get paid.

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