What Happens After We Die? | Teen Ink

What Happens After We Die?

January 26, 2015
By tramanh BRONZE, Hanoi, Other
tramanh BRONZE, Hanoi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered, what happens when our heart stops its beats, our skin turns light grey, and our body’s left motionless infront of those who love us most?

Where do we go when we die? I wonder.

Maybe we’ll enter reincarnation. Maybe death isn’t the end. In fact, it is just a beginning since our spirit will escape our older body and seek for a new attachment, something to start over with. We’ll be reborn, totally unaware and live with the status depending on the work we did in our previous life. In this way, dying is not really dying. We just receive a chance to start over, in a whole new shape, to conquer new adventures without ourselves knowing that we’ve been given the chance.

Or maybe we’ll experience afterlife, either spending it in heaven or hell. There will be a specific time when we’re meant to be born and meant to die. But how we live our life, is what decides what happens after we’ve taken your last breath. Everything we do now and in the future will decide whether we’ll receive freedom from suffering or face mandatory pain and misery. It’s scary, isn’t it?

Or maybe, death is the end of it all. As soon as blood stops rushing in and out of our weakened arteries and veins, our spirit rests with it. No one will hear the screaming we do, because we won’t be screaming at all. We, with our hands placing effortlessly on our stomach, will no longer hear the world go round. After death, our only mission is to “fertilize daffodils” and the world will move on without us.

But how we die isn’t as important as how we live. Do what makes you happy, take big risks instead of regretting, and make your life worthwhile. Cherish the little things in life while you still can. Live for the 5am sunrise, for the colors in the sky and most importantly, live for others as much as you live for yourselves. Only then will you die peacefully. Because when you go away, all that’s left is the pieces of memories in people’s minds. And those bits are what immortalize you. Even if you’re no longer there, let the image of you linger for a while. Live your life in a way that, as people greet you the last time from the other side of the coffin, you’ll die satisfied.

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