Is America Going through a Racial Rumble? | Teen Ink

Is America Going through a Racial Rumble?

January 8, 2016
By JarynM BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
JarynM BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being asked about your position on a topic is sort of awkward, especially on today's big issues. These days, 9 times out of 10, one would follow what majority is saying without even knowing what is really going on. In the past few years random acts of violence, love. and religion committed by a certain groups of people has led to hate crimes towards the people that they represent in today's world. Unfortunately, due to the high poverty the pressure put on African American men to get money plays a role on many of them committing crimes against each other. The police, who are doing their job, which is to arrest anyone who is not following the law despite their race. Due to many hate crimes ending in death, blacks killing blacks, and the fact that the police are doing their jobs, it is shown that black people aren’t being targeted by society.

Hate crimes are going around the world. There are 3,684 against things like lifestyles    ( LGBT), disabled people, and mostly towards different religions. The number of hate crimes in total compared to the number of hate crimes against blacks is a large difference, seeing that less than half of the attacks are towards blacks.Ever since 9/11 Muslims are being attacked monthly, at least 20-30 times a year. 60% of hate crimes are towards Jews they are being attacked around 600 times a year (Ingraham)). With the highest amount of hate crimes being around 5,796 in 2012 it has been slowly increasing since then(“Victims”). Instead of killing other they are killing each other.
If black lives did matter shouldn’t they matter to black people. Most African American deaths are caused by African Americans. Between the years of 2012 and 2013 955,800 African Americans have been killed. Out the deaths 62.2% were caused by african Americans, 10.4% were by whites, and 4.7%by hispanics.(“New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime”)Which is a huge number seeing that the number of black on black quotes are neck to neck. “Blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, while whites committed only 99,403 against blacks. (“New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime”) In order for people to value our lives maybe we should value each others first.

We need police to help keep order especially in “today’s world”. “ Also police lives matter,we have to maintain law and order Without the presence of the police , we would be lost. We would destroy ourselves without them.” says former leader of the crips, Arthur Reed aka Silky Slim(Charters). The police have to do their job, or else everyone would get angry at them for doing nothing instead something. In “today’s world” the police must be completely perfect, it’s a sin to do something wrong but questionable when they do something right. Just in the year 2013 there has been 11,302,102 arrests (“Persons Arrested”). If the police were not here neither would most of the black race, with as many black on black crimes imagine 5x more of that.

Yet many still believe that the black race is being gunned down by society.  We live in a nation that learns from it's mistakes and is more understanding and accepting as the years go on. That’s only in a perfect world though, there is a difference in what is right and what is real. The reality is that all minority groups in America usually POC deal with injustices and inequality, some groups more than others. Though that is true, what was real is that silent/nonviolent protest was the best and most powerful way to prove a point. Instead of  starting riots such as in Ferguson, Missouri that is where most of the blacks deaths you may hear abut on the news come from. There’s a better ways to show how much blacks are hurting such as John Carlos did in the 1968 Olympics. By simply holding up the Black Empowerment sign he turned many heads and also changed the way black athletes have stood their ground.(University) Deaths or silent protest your chose.

The world is not trying to take lives from African-Americans. Even if there are forceful or even deadly arrest if both sides blacks and the authority are addressed there would be little to no ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaigns. 
Work Cited

Charters, Justen. “Ex-Gang Leader Drops Bombshell Quote on ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement That Everyone Should See.” Independent Journal. N.p., 21 May 2015. Web. 7 Jan. 2016.
Ingraham, Christopher. “Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Are Still Five Times More Common Today than before 9/11.” Washington Post. N.p., 11 Feb. 2015. Web.
“New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime.” American Renaissance. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
“Persons Arrested.” FBI. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.
University, San Jose State. “Website.” N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan. 2016.
“Victims.” FBI. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2016.


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