Why Men Need Feminism Too | Teen Ink

Why Men Need Feminism Too

November 11, 2014
By realityofbluecats BRONZE, Long Beach, California
realityofbluecats BRONZE, Long Beach, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Feminism is a movement where women want political, social, and economic equality with men. This movement has been going on for years. Some believe the meaning of this movement is to show that women are superior to men and that is totally false. Women want to be treated the same way as men and want to have the same opportunities. The real question is, does feminism only apply to women? Absolutely not, men are also in need of feminism.

For example, I once saw a single dad pushing a baby stroller down the street. He was carrying a backpack full of diapers, formula milk, bottles, and baby wipes. The lady that happened to walk next to me was making comments of how unfair that was. That taking care of a child was the mothers’ responsibility not the fathers’. She said that men do not know how to raise children and the man pushing the stroller did not have a clue of what he was doing. At this point, I noticed that men were put down for doing tasks that women are mostly known for. This is where men need feminism. A man should not have to be told they do not know what they are doing just because it is not common to see them do certain tasks. Men are capable of doing the same tasks that women do. A child raise only by their father would not make the child any different from the other kids.

Men do not need to be told to “man up” whenever they are expressing their feelings or to be told to stop “acting like a girl.” Men are taught that expressing their feelings is a “woman” thing. They have the idea that men do not cry because they cannot lose their image of being “strong.” What is so wrong about expressing how you truly feel?

Not all men enjoy sports. No boy or man should feel the pressure to watch sports because it is what “all” men do. There is nothing wrong if a man prefers to watch a fashion, cooking, or a reality show. We all have different tastes and there’s nothing wrong if a man happens to like something different.

Men face all kinds of unfair judgments and situations just because of their gender the same way woman do. Gender roles are unnecessary. No one should be expected to like or do certain things just because of their gender. Women are not the only ones who need feminism; men are in highly need of it too. So hey, welcome to the movement!

The author's comments:

This article was inspired by a single dad that was enjoying his day strolling his baby down the street while i overheard a rude comment coming from a woman about the father. what i hope people will get from this is that feminism is not about proving which gender is greater but to come together to show that were both same and capable of doing the same tasks. 


This article has 1 comment.

Mikey123 said...
on Feb. 7 2015 at 9:04 pm
Feminism, by definition, focuses on women. There's nothing wrong with this, just as there's nothing wrong with men's rights advocacy focusing on men. Gender equality just focuses on gender issues, and egalitarianism focuses on all discrimination.