The Core of an Apple | Teen Ink

The Core of an Apple

April 17, 2014
By Macklemore BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
Macklemore BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Don’t go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path…and leave a trail” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Suddenly, he was present, thrust into a situation which had no beginning. Yet with him lay purpose. Not given, but simply there with him, stitched into his soul as a permanent body part. There was no consciousness of setting, no knowledge, or reason. Only curiosity. Curiosity to explore the blank canvas around him and curiosity to find one’s purpose. This purpose was not blatantly stated by the mind, and would not be achieved through his thought. Thus, a problem arose for the being: to find one’s purpose, without knowledge of the world around him. Therefore, the thought of independency occurred: nothing would be given, only earned. Therefore, the being must explore the world to gain knowledge of it. He could then find his purpose.

But sight of the being was limited, and he could not explore the world in this way. Though there was no physical evidence to suggest it, he sensed the world around him was larger than what sight could bring to him from where he was. Then, by pure impulse, the being began to discover his own physical traits. To the lower half of him, was attached a split portion of flesh and bone. In this way, he was able to control the scene around him, bringing some closer, and leaving others seemingly into the unknown. This proves intrigued the being, and his curiosity brought forth a new task: from where was this scenery coming and going?
This was a thought, taunting the being’s curiosity to open its door, and curiosity obliged, taking physical control of the being. He found himself in a completely different setting, in that there was no scene. The physical stage of the world was blank. It was here, in this forbidding realm, that the being had access to thought. Then as with the scenery, he controlled this realm. Amounts of continuous control led to bring a memory to him. Appearing to the being was the scenery at which he began. All was clear and perfect, though also still. This realm must be where the scenes were going as he controlled them. A sense of achievement and ease entered through him, gaining knowledge of sorts. Through the visitation of this realm the concept of past was given to the being. The knowledge acted as a force for him pushing him out of the realm into the world. The scenery around him seemed permanent, having the same appearance as it did when first entrance into the realm was made. It remained undisturbed, though he head accessed the scenery he left behind, and was now here. It was in this way that the concept of present was given to the man, and with further use of past and present, the man deducted that sight could not reveal to him where these scenes were coming from, but he could base its appearance off of the past and present. From this, came future, and with reasoning, these three concepts were strung together to form time.
With the knowledge of time, realization of loss struck the man: as the surrounding scenes had called out to the being’s interest, the knowledge he had gained was immediately lost. Not the concept, but the essence of time itself. With knowledge of his loss, a desire to gain back what he had lost came to the being. This desire shifted into urgency, and suddenly the scenes around the man began to transform. The future shifted to the past seamlessly, the present was no more, only a blur of what will be, turning into what was. Then, time came to a halt: once again, the being was cast into a new situation, no script, just an empty stage. The scene continued into the past, but this time, the being was able to process the world around him. In the future was a flowing essence, drifting along as though it was in its own universe. Once again curiosity controlled the man, seamlessly ripping through time until it brought the newly found essence into the present. Future was now present, and the being found himself swallowed by the essence. It was now controlling him. As the being stayed in the present, his curiosity of the essence faded, though catching on to another undiscovered thing. The scenery around the man changed once again, but time did not. The scenes shifted to reveal objects that were in the future but for some reason could not be brought to present. Most intriguing of these to the man was suspended, surrounded by what seemed to be another world entirely. The presence of this object was so obnoxious, he wondered how it hid from him. Going into the past, the discovery was made that the object was not in his future, because of the scenery in his past, the world the being most recently exited did not contain such an object. The scenery in this new world had a more, appealing appearance that that of the past. The man reasoned that this change in appearance was due to the mysterious object that was suspended in its own time. It was also reasoned that the object was a source of something. From these discoveries and observations, the man pulled the concept of light, in contrast with darkness, and good in contrast with bad. Perspective was also gained in that the light had allowed for comfort and creativity, while dark contained these, forcing them to an un-noticeable existence. In that way, good was associated with light, and bad with darkness.
Some time had passed since the being began to explore the expansive world he had been forced into, and with the knowledge of this occurrence came a new feeling. The man felt that, slowly, he was losing all that he had gained. The knowledge was slipping away, not gone, but not accessible, and without warning. There was nothing, no view, not thoughts.
Suddenly, they were back. Thought had found its way back, though not to its full potential, and sight was functioning immediately, but there was a change in the world around him. The scenery was exact and precise, though its appearance was nothing like before. The shift in the world was unexplainable, but this essence caught the man’s instinct like nothing else had.
Once again, the being wandered through time, observing the new world he had been thrown into. While the being sought out a possible explanation to the change, sudden impulse once again caused the being’s sight to be shifted to the emptiness above him. There, poked into their own universe, were orbs, bright and twinkling. These distant objects were scattered across, and seemed to be everywhere, all appearing the same as each other. It was from this simple observation that the being drew the concept of normality. Time was no more, it seemed, as the man’s sight floated across, endlessly analyzing the world above him. Though everything seemed uniform, it was not, for placed amongst the normal was something unalike the others. It appeared not as distant, it appeared rugged, it appeared different, and with the difference came a question, though probing ones thoughts would do no use to answer it. As the being pushed more effort towards finding the answer to his unanswerable question, fear crept its way into the being’s self. Fear was new, fear was cunning, and fear was fear. Instinct took over as the man sought refuge from the object towering over him, and it was found in his now distant past. The being focused his efforts on the recollection of thoughts, hoping that in some way this would better the situation. Nothing resulted from this, though the being felt strangely peaceful in the midst of the surrounding fear. This sudden loss of fear caused the man to observe his shelter, for in the state of confusion, he was blinded by emotion. He noticed a particular area filled with an essence of sorts. This essence was everywhere, but in this place, it was somehow unlike the rest. It seemed as though light shone upon it, and it did, the man realized this, and made the connection that he was safe, for light was good. Assuming the source of the light was the object once hidden from him in his past, the expectation was made that when sight shifted, it would reveal that once hidden object, but it did not. In its place was the very thing that put the being into hiding. Confusion struck the man, but in his state he was also intrigued: how could it be that light shone upon him without the presence of the sun? The being pondered this thought, letting it sift through his self, searching for its answer. It was reasoned that the source of the light was the object the man had fled from. The object was different: an outlier in a world of consistency, but light shone forth from it. Different was bad. Darkness was bad. This object was surrounded by darkness. Yet from it came light, much like that of what would be known as the sun. The sun, surrounded in good, the moon, surrounded in bad. Both brought light to a different world. Therefore, the moon was not bad, because the moon brought light, and light is good, no matter what surrounds or gives it. Light gives a clear path in times of confusion. It is eternal. Light is light, no matter where it comes from. Just like an apples core, the sun and moon are the same. Differing in appearance, or taste, but altogether the same.

The author's comments:
I have always stuck to my belief that all are created equal, and anything or anyone that comes against that is not able to see the "light". The real inspiration for this story was that belief, and it can be applicable to so many situations: Same Sex Marriage, I believe that love is love, no matter who it is with. The struggles of one's life, you can always find hope if you are willing to be open minded. Discrimination, everyone has a million differences, but we all want the same things: love, survival, happiness. I'm not trying to change the world or disprove religion or ways of thinking, I am simply saying that we all came from the same tree, which makes us the same apple, at our cores.


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