Land of the Free | Teen Ink

Land of the Free

July 18, 2013
By ajg1022 BRONZE, Cazenovia, New York
ajg1022 BRONZE, Cazenovia, New York
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our prime purpose in life is to help others, and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama

There are many qualities that make our nation truly great. We are fearless. We are smart. We are confident, with the belief that together, we can accomplish anything.

There’s a key word in that last sentence: together. Together we can accomplish anything. As individuals, we can be defeated. Together, we are unstoppable.

This idea of working together is an example of the respect but mostly love this nation has for each other. It is something that, in many other parts of the world, does not exist, and we are very fortunate and proud to have that love.

There’s something missing, though. Something is missing from this love that we have. And that is equality.

Who are we to say that two people can’t get married, on account of who they love? If a man can marry a woman, why can’t a man marry a man, a woman a woman? What is so wrong about two people of the same sex wanting to express their love in the act of marriage?

A lot of people argue that the Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman. But let me ask you this: if you say “Love your neighbor as yourself”, why can you get married, but your gay neighbor can’t? Do you really think that this God of yours approves what you are doing? Denying someone the right to get married?

What’s stopping us from being accepting? Are you afraid of something different? I thought America was fearless. Do you have doubts? I thought America was confident. Do you think gay marriage is wrong? I thought America was smart.
In the near future, people will look back at those who opposed gay marriage and laugh, because they were small-minded fools. One day we will live in a just world where there are just as many marriages between the same gender as there will be between opposite genders.

We cannot truly be “America: Land of the Free” until our gay brothers and sisters have the same rights as every straight person, and that is to love and marry whoever they choose. After all, isn’t love for each other one of the things that makes this country so great?

The author's comments:
Straight but not narrow.


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