The Needs of Orphans | Teen Ink

The Needs of Orphans

February 17, 2010
By JanaG SILVER, Bentonville, Arkansas
JanaG SILVER, Bentonville, Arkansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. ~Unknown

Do orphans actually know that they can overcome pain? Or that, like Harry Potter, they might have some extraordinary talents lurking in their hearts? Some children are not able to read books such as J.K. Rowling's. All over the world, children are excluded from schools, living on the streets and suffering abuse. (UNICEF, 2005) Many children without families have no one to foster constructive beliefs in spite of their challenges of disease, despotism, and extreme poverty.

Although my childhood was much less traumatic, I know that I have grown one inch at a time with the support, positivity, and communication of many people, some not even biologically related to me.

What does adoption mean to you? Chances are, the word has conjured up a picture of unfathomable debt, late nights changing diapers, or the hurtful words spoken to you by a foster parent. These wounds may not be completely healed yet. But some things can change, and you have the potential to alter them.

In January of this year 2010, <em>China Daily</em>, China's global newspaper, published an article saying that the Beijing government will offer certain amounts of money to foster families: Beijing authorities believe children grow best in families. (Chunzhe, 2010) Fostering, permanently adopting, and sponsoring are powerful ways of choosing a child as your own.

Should you choose to meet an orphan's physiological, medical, and educational needs, be aware that there are challenges as well as rewards of adoption. Consider what financial and personal changes you may make: will you need to relocate or turn an office into a bedroom? If you have other children, how do they feel about adopting a sibling full of his or her own personality?

As a preschool teacher, I have become fully aware that the children's ages will determine their nutritional, emotional and educational needs. My mission statement is to build the self-esteem of children who have been abused. You may have a different goal. What can your unique family do to forever change a hurting child's life? The dream of adoption is possible.


UNICEF. HR School Web. N.p. December 2005. Web. 17 February 2010.

Chunzhe, Zhao. China Daily Web. N.p. January 2010. Web. 13 February 2010.

The author's comments:
I plan to pursue the goal of adoption when I complete my studies at Ashford University. I attend this college to learn to excel at writing and to obtain a doctorate in Child Psychology.

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