Social Networking | Teen Ink

Social Networking

December 13, 2009
By citygirl_tawni SILVER, Ottawa, Other
citygirl_tawni SILVER, Ottawa, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a REALLY active Facebook user. And you know you are too :). I will not lie, facebook accidents and incidents do happen, only because the user did not respect the terms and abused them. Facebook can be safe and helpful. Their new settings do make it more secure. Facebook is only mal-portrayed when the user lets her/his profile opened and easily accessible. If only the user protected her pictures, or were more careful on which contact info was displayed, then the "bad" person would not be able to violate/reach the user. Facebook can also BLOCK people, what a wonderful thing! So if you know there have been rumors around that a certain user is bad, DON'T hesitate to block them, seriously! But I must agree, watch what you say on Facebook. Be careful when you post on your friends wall "text me at 1234567 ttyl!<3' and which pictures you post. What are your opinions? I find msn is the safest out of Twitter and Facebook. I think Twitter is the safer version of facebook. The information they acquire from you is not obligatory, and there is only ONE picture allowed to be posted- your profile one. And basically its status updates, none of that commenting or wall to wall. Twitter is very safe, it is only the user who needs to be prudent on what is written.

The author's comments:
The talk where the teacher tells all students Facebook is bad, when their grade 7 kids have it.


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