My Vote: My Responsibility, Opinion, Future and Freedom | Teen Ink

My Vote: My Responsibility, Opinion, Future and Freedom

October 23, 2019
By Anonymous

It’s not just my vote. It is my responsibility. 

The right to vote was fought for. Blood, sweat, and tears drenched. The heros before me sacrificing more than I can fathom. Fighting for what they deserved. Not worrying about the effects of their life, but considering how it would benefit generations to come. Knowing it was unfair, knowing it was their right, knowing they needed change. The shame that would come to their faces today. Seeing all their dedication and sacrifice be wasted by not using our right. So go vote!

It’s an ability to show my opinion.

My vote is my voice! Make my voice heard. I want my opinion to matter. I want people to know my side of the story. Assumptions are dangerous. If I do not reveal my perspective, others will do it for me. That is something I can not live with. Something I won’t live with. Something you should not live with either. So go vote!

It’s a way to shape my future and the future of the world.

My world is dying. I am not talking about the nature of the Earth. Yet, about the nature of people. My world is diseased from corruption. It has seen a turn in human nature. I no longer worry about how I will get food to eat. But worry about how it will get stolen. My world is being taken, and I mean to save it. I want to shape my own future. Not allow it to be carved by the more powerful. I want my vote to transform my world into the best it can be. Then it can be the best for everyone. So go vote!

It’s a way to show my freedom.

I am free. We are all free. America, the land of the free, yet I see most as caged in. Like a lion in a circus, it is being held back from it’s true potential. I am responsible for how others view me, my country, and my freedom. Don’t forget it is your responsibility too. You need to vote!

The author's comments:

This is essay about what my vote means to me. And is an encouragment for everyone to vote.


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