People Can Surprise You | Teen Ink

People Can Surprise You

April 25, 2012
By AnneBeasley BRONZE, North Miami Beach, Florida
AnneBeasley BRONZE, North Miami Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During my minimester experience, I have noticed teachers do not act like I normally view them in a classroom environment. Teachers can be  A minimester is a week out of the academic school year that my school created to let students learn something they would not normally get to learn in a school environment. 
This year, I traveled abroad to the country of Peru where I spent the majority of my time hanging out with my friends and trying to avoid the chaperones at all costs. The second to last day I was forced to participate in an activity that included the teachers. I was not looking forward to this. But to my surprise, they actually acted like humans, as opposed to sinister, mind-reading robots that try to make your life miserable five days of the week. I learned that you can have a good time with teachers outside of school because they have likeable personalities that we don’t get to see often in school. The teachers that went to Peru joked with us and were a blast to be around. If they were sixteen, like us, people would have mistaken them for our friends, and actually I might have been their friend. 
I am ashamed that I did not want to spend time with them before, but I was like any normal teenager who dislikes anything associated with school. It's not fair to my teachers, and I apologize. Thanks to two awesome teachers, I spent a week with friends on a life-changing experience that I will never forget. 


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