Demons | Teen Ink


April 5, 2016
By Perfect_Imperfections BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
Perfect_Imperfections BRONZE, Homestead, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Though no one may notice the war going on in your mind, doesn't mean you are the only one.

The demons inside of me burn. Yelling and screaming for freedom. Clawing at my throat, threatening to burn everyone else.

They crawl inside my head. Making sure that the darkness never fades. They tear apart my heart, blackening it to near oblivion. Making sure I can never give love. Making sure that the passion that once my heart beat is never felt.

The demons demand to be felt. They demand to be heard. To be seen. And they won't stop if you ignore them. They only get worse.

Love from other people doesn't keep them at bay. Nothing can. They burn through the chains that once restrained them. They kill those who want order.

They want blood and I am their supplier. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. What they so desperately need in order to survive.

They multiply to kill who you are. They make you. Trying to make you like them. To make you be them.

People give in, relaxing in their own pool of blood from the war they waged. Realizing how good it feels when the pain is now numbing your broken and twisted bones. Numbing your mind to every painful memory that now haunt your once peaceful dreams.

They make you vengeful. Make you feel like you are nothing. That you are nothing. Drowning you in a perfect oasis that reality has made you see. Suffocating you with your imperfections you wish would die like your dreams.

The demon of rage makes you see red that floods your vision. Making your vengeful thoughts fester and become immortal with each passing day.

Passion is what binds us to people who don't deserve it. Letting us know that we could never do better if we don't try. Telling us that this is what will end our life.

The angel of death visits frequently. Checking when we would finally give into his comforting embrace. Finally letting the whole world collapse on us and not fight against it. He would be the only one to save us from the demons we all fear in death.

They bring back the feeling of emptiness. Knowing that they share the feelings you feel. Feeling the wind rushing your face as you fall into the pit that the black cavity has created where your heart once was. Leaving you in a mess that you can no longer fix.

The damages are life changing. We think our life sucks. The funny thing is that the problem comes from within. Not the hands that will strangle you at night. Or the words that call your demons into insanity. No. No one will help you fight your demons. They all have their own to overcome.

We are forever bound to each demon. Feeling what they want in their show for entertainment. Feeling the helplessness as those before you. The feeling we all can no longer endure. Don't be like others who think this is our only fate. But don't fight it either. Just live your life like you are not bleeding. Like you're not drowning or being suffocated.

Let us see who notices then. Because no one will notice the lie we were all born to live.

The author's comments:

Things are never what they seem.

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Ladymex said...
on Apr. 7 2016 at 10:25 pm
I loved it you go girl!!!!